Thursday, March 12, 2020

Othello and Iago essays

Othello and Iago essays 1. Iago's motive for desiring the destruction of Othello: A few possible reasons for his motive: i Loves evil for his own sake i Stem from a thwarted desire for Desdemona i Jealousy of Cassio's position to the rank of Lieutenant - and hatred for Othello for making that promotion i Belief, or suspicion, that both Othello and Cassio have seduced Emilia, his wife i Stem from colour and race prejudice i Envy of high social position and power "The main theme is the way in which a jealous villain - though apparently honest - succeeds in infecting an essentially noble man with his own jealousy; and in so doing, drags him down to his own level."" # Above all - Iago's exploits his own knowledge that there is very often a vast difference between what appears to be the truth and what is really the truth. ( appearing truth and real truth = very thin line) i Genuine qualities vs. bombastic egoist i Primarily a soldier = sense of honour i Conflict within himself (stems from the fact that he is not accustomed to the subtle and sophisticated values of civilised' Venice) i Conflict that in compounded by the fact that although he is a Christian he stills retains elements of a pagan nature. i Dignified self-control ~ degenerates ~ surrender to uncontrolled passion. i Essential feature of his character is passion i Essential feature of passion = knows no bounds or moderation = drives a man to extreme action. i His passion came out in JEALOUSY i No cause for his jealousy = tenders his tragedy all the more cruelly ironic and intense. i He loved Desdemona till the end i IRONIC = he believed he is cleaning h ...

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