Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Religion and Sociology Religious Fundamentalism

Question: Discuss about theReligion and Sociologyfor Religious Fundamentalism. Answer: Introduction This essay is about the effects of religion on social norms and depictions. We will look at the religious fundamentalism. We will look at the impact of religion and sociological approaches. There are certain classical approaches to sociology and religion. These have been discussed in the essay. We will look at the beliefs of these classical theorist that talk about religion and cultural form of religion (OLoughlin and Griffith 2013.) View of Religion in Classical Sociology We will look at what Marx and Webber talk about the religion and sociology from a product enlightenment perspective. We will look embracing faith in terms of religion of science. The influence of the nineteenth century capitalism philosophers thus applied science can look at influencing these parameters. Marx has looked into the aspects of neutral sociology and economic theory for the sake of human development. Marx also looked at the impact of science in terms of the revolutionary upheaval of the socialist society. Marx did not take religion as a way of life since he was of an opinion that humans are driven by reasons and as society advances they look at the impact of societal pressures of misguided followers and hindrance of reason. The social inequality and antithesis of social inequality. The antithesis of alienation and freedom debate. Then the propagation of religious freedom as an ideology. Yet Marx though against religion which is organized in any way was never for the prohib ition of religion altogether. Marx also suggested that there are several theories where Marx suggested the importance of oppressive economic situation as a a means of exploitation. This is especially relation to European colonialism. We have also seen that Marx looked at the surplus value of capitalist philosophy. Marx viewed capitalist philosophy or rick getting richer and poor getting poorer. The exploitation of such surplus value. Marx has viewed alienation at the very center of social inequality. Webers Philosophy There are several publications in the social context of socio-economic rationalization. These have been written by Weber comprising Religion of China that includes Confucianism and Taoism. It also covers religion of India and ancient Judaism. These works were as old as 1920s. Weber has another method of contention that circulates the entire socialist philosophy of human action and its historical narratives and particular cases of linkages and sequences. Weber has argued cases on perspective thinking and religious grounds first. Weber also gives credit to the shaping of a persons image around religion. Marx also looked at the impact of science in terms of the revolutionary upheaval of the socialist society. Marx did not take religion as a way of life since he was of an opinion that humans are driven by reasons and as society advances they look at the impact of societal pressures of misguided followers and hindrance of reason. Thus this is a comparative analysis of Weber and Marx. Weber looked at religion as a human need that can be responded using the impact of an extraordinary power of a divine that people can look at the salvation of relief from suffering and extraordinary power of determined soteriological answers that religions seems to provide. If we look at the analysis of the revolutionary importance of power of a colonial society we can see there were several changes in the law making structure which is true for religious changes too. Thus there are several ways in which power to the members of the colonial society can be challenged. Both Marx and Weber have a power to shar e the power of the complete we can see these changes in the tax payment structure for states that are secular and others that do not have a religion. There are several other factors that have influenced state religion and this true in social contexts where the law of the land is related to the importance of equality and socialism. The other conflicts can be task-related and person-related. Sometimes the way two people think are way different from each other. The way in which the interdependent relationship can be looked into can cause several common goal orientation issues (Durkheim 2014.). This is termed cooperative outcome interdependence. This can lead to a positive environment since opinion clashed are considered through interactive negotiations and there is more open-minded debates and opposing points of view. This can lead to solutions that seek benefits for all. The way in which such an interdependence can be pictured leads to relative advantages and conflict among parties. This can reduce the ridicule incase the opinions do not match on some issues. Taoism is another philosophy that has been influential in Webers readings and articles. Functionalism and Radicalism Power and political ambitions have been looked the effects of overall monarchy in the system. Functionalism and radicalism are other factors that have led to a complete overhaul of the system. The organization that holds power are not just regulatory bodies but they influence a lot of factors that have led to a more monarchy based system in a number of ways these factors can have importance in terms of radicalism and fundamentalism. Marx did not take religion as a way of life since he was of an opinion that humans are driven by reasons and as society advances they look at the impact of societal pressures of misguided followers and hindrance of reason. The social inequality and antithesis of social inequality. Thus this is a comparative analysis of Weber and Marx. Weber looked at religion as a human need that can be responded using the impact of an extraordinary power of a divine that people can look at the salvation of relief from suffering and extraordinary power of determined soteriological answers that religions seems to provide. If we look at the analysis of the revolutionary importance of power of a colonial society we can see there were several changes in the law making structure which is true for religious changes too. Islamic Fundamentalism and Arab Spring These works were as old as 1920s. Weber has another method of contention that circulates the entire socialist philosophy of human action and its historical narratives and particular cases of linkages and sequences. Weber has argued cases on perspective thinking and religious grounds first. Weber also gives credit to the shaping of a persons image around religion. Thus we can see that Islamic fundamentalism has developed into a periodic activity of religion and other biases that creep into the system. There are several instances of confirmation bias scenarios that we can see. This is especially true in the social scenario. Hence establishing a connection personal and social both becomes difficult for me sometimes. The essay also looks at learnings from the videos on Paul Bloom talking about Islamic fundamentalism on how we can conquer our biases and challenge us to consider prejudice as a constructive thing. We can see how the dynamics of the workplace changes with emotional quotient in the picture. The essay also developed an understanding of the issues that were faced by organizations that lack such parameters in the top- levels. We have also learnt that critical thinking can lead to resolution of several issues that can cause hindrance in several ways in both the organizational and the personal context. In the ending of this article the data pointers have led to further strengthening of the issues at hand. Hence EQ has become more relevant than IQ in the real business scenario. Overall health and a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, is important and not the absence of disease or infirmity. We can also see that Think that how the value of good quality data and the power of being able to share it. Typology of Religious Groups There are processes of rationalizations and associations to modern concepts of classical sociologists and decline of religious ethos. There are other references of classical sociologists and religious freedom. There are several critiques and modernity of emergence of Christianity has occurred at a very high rate. Now let us look at Islam and how it became a major world religion. There are other influences of new-found influences and Western significant development (Armstrong 2014). In short there are presupposed decline in religiosity that may seem a myth. Additionally there are regular attendance or affiliated behavior issues that come with religious myths and practices that come up with social and political issues. Thus this is a comparative analysis of Weber and Marx (Giddens 2013). Weber looked at religion as a human need that can be responded using the impact of an extraordinary power of a divine that people can look at the salvation of relief from suffering and extraordinary po wer of determined soteriological answers that religions seems to provide. Thus there are several ways in which power to the members of the colonial society can be challenged. Both Marx and Weber have a power to share the power of the complete we can see these changes in the changed laws of religious freedom. Conclusion We will look at the impact of religion and sociological approaches. There are certain classical approaches to sociology and religion. These have been discussed in the essay. We will look at the beliefs of these classical theorist that talk about religion and cultural form of religion. Marx has looked into the aspects of neutral sociology and economic theory for the sake of human development. Marx also looked at the impact of science in terms of the revolutionary upheaval of the socialist society. There are several critiques and modernity of emergence of Christianity has occurred at a very high rate. Now let us look at Islam and how it became a major world religion. Thus even the tax payment structure for states that are secular and others that do not have a religion. There are several other factors that have influenced state religion and this true in social contexts where the law of the land is related to the importance of equality and socialism. We will look at the view of esteemed philosophers like Marx and Weber. We will look at the effects of globalization on religion. We will look at the other factors like understanding of Islamic fundamentalist revolution. Thus over all we can see that self-development in terms of religious freedom has reflection and learnings on how concepts like evidence, data, emotional intelligence and critical thinking thereby propelling reason and thought developement. References OLoughlin, V.D. and Griffith, L.M., 2013. Reflective writing highlights improved student metacognition in an upper level undergraduate anatomy course.The FASEB Journal,27(1 Supplement), pp.957-1. Armstrong, G.A. 2014. Bringing our whole person to whole person care: Fostering reflective capacity with interactive reflective writing in health professions education.International Journal of Whole Person Care,1(1). Wald, H.S., and Reis, S.P., 2012. Fostering and evaluating reflective capacity in medical education: developing the REFLECT rubric for assessing reflective writing.Academic Medicine,87(1), pp.41-50. Brown, K., and Young, T., 2014. 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